Brand tips
September 20, 2024

Is Your Influencer Strategy Feeling Too Vanilla? 5 Fresh Approaches to Add Flavour

Revamp your influencer strategy with diverse influencers, authentic content, new formats, and long-term partnerships to create engaging, inclusive, and impactful campaigns.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, standing out can be a challenge, especially when your influencer strategy starts feeling a bit too "vanilla." With audiences becoming savvier and more selective, it’s essential to keep your influencer campaigns dynamic, engaging, and, most importantly, effective. Adding diversity and inclusivity to your strategy can also enhance your brand’s appeal, ensuring it resonates with a broader audience. Here are five fresh approaches to revamp your influencer strategy and add some much-needed flavour.

1. Leverage Niche and Diverse Influencers for Hyper-Targeted Campaigns

While macro-influencers may boast large followings, niche and diverse influencers bring something more valuable to the table: a highly engaged and specific audience. By collaborating with influencers who cater to a particular interest, cultural background, or community, you can create campaigns that resonate more deeply with their followers. This hyper-targeted approach ensures your brand message reaches the right people, making your efforts more impactful and inclusive.

2. Co-Create Content for Authenticity and Representation

Audiences today can spot an overly branded or scripted post from a mile away. To keep things fresh and inclusive, involve influencers in the creative process. Co-create content that feels authentic to both the influencer’s voice and your brand’s values, while also representing diverse perspectives. Whether it’s a product tutorial, a behind-the-scenes look, or a day-in-the-life vlog, content that feels genuine and inclusive will resonate more with followers and drive better engagement.

3. Experiment with Different Formats and Inclusive Storytelling

If your influencer strategy has been sticking to the same old formats—static posts, Stories, or simple shoutouts—it might be time to explore new ones with a focus on inclusive storytelling. Video content, especially short-form videos like TikToks or Instagram Reels, is dominating the social media landscape. Incorporate diverse voices and stories in these formats to connect with a wider audience. Interactive formats, such as live Q&A sessions or AMAs (Ask Me Anything), can also create a more engaging and immersive experience. By diversifying the types of content you’re producing and ensuring they reflect the diversity of your audience, you keep your strategy versatile and culturally relevant.

4. Incorporate User-Generated Content (UGC) with a Focus on Inclusivity

User-generated content is a powerful way to add authenticity and social proof to your campaigns. Encourage influencers to engage their diverse followers in creating UGC that features your brand or product. Whether it’s through a challenge, a giveaway, or a campaign-specific hashtag, UGC not only expands your reach but also fosters a community around your brand. When potential customers see real people from various backgrounds using and enjoying your products, it enhances credibility, trust, and inclusivity.

5. Focus on Long-Term Partnerships with Diverse Influencers

One-off influencer collaborations can sometimes feel transactional and superficial. To add more depth, continuity, and inclusivity to your influencer strategy, consider building long-term partnerships with a diverse range of influencers. When influencers regularly endorse your brand, it feels more like a genuine relationship rather than a paid advertisement. This consistency can build stronger brand loyalty and a more cohesive narrative around your brand’s identity. Long-term collaborations also allow influencers to integrate your products more naturally into their content, making the promotion feel less forced and more representative of different communities.

In a world where consumers are constantly bombarded with content, it’s crucial that your influencer strategy is anything but vanilla. By embracing diverse and niche influencers, co-creating authentic and inclusive content, experimenting with new formats, incorporating user-generated content, and fostering long-term partnerships, you can add the flavour your campaigns need to truly stand out. Remember, the key is to remain adaptable and responsive to the ever-changing digital landscape, ensuring your strategy stays fresh, inclusive, and relevant.