
New Feature: Request a Review

We have implemented a new feature that will allow you to request reviews from clients you have worked with outside of

New Feature: Request a Review

Announcement time

Ahem... We’re pleased to announce the latest update is now available on

What is this update you might ask?

Well, we have implemented a new feature that will allow you to request reviews from clients you have worked with outside of Yes, you read that correctly.  Clients that book you offline can now leave reviews. Hooray!

Sounds awesome right? Of course, awesome is our middle name.

The Benefits

Make your profile “Mickey Mouse” by increasing the stars on your profile (A little throwback to your childhood right there).

The stars are not just an ego boost. On the contrary, the more reviews you have, the higher you display in the search and applicants list. Therefore, nabbing reviews from jobs booked either from or off the platform is a great way to secure more work.

And, we all want to book more work right!

How do they leave a review?

Okay, enough with the spiel. Let's get down to the action and make this happen.

Follow these super easy steps below and you're good as gold:

  1. Log in and view the referrals widget on your dashboard.
  2. Click the link to share to Facebook, Email or copy the link to share in your other social channels.
  3. Fill out any additional details and we’ll send the client an email asking for a review for you! Easy!

We do have one caveat. This is for reviews outside of the platform only. So just don’t send it to clients you have worked with on

Until next time...

By Amber Van Twest .

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