
Talent Spotlight : French TikTok viral creator Evy


With over 357k followers, dancer, model and all round cool girl Evy is a French TikTok phenomenon who has had multiple videos go viral. We caught up with her to pick her brains on this rapid growth and her thoughts on how to make the most of this fast growing social platform

When did you first join tiktok?

I joined Tiktok in 2020, mainly because I’ve always loved to dance, so I thought it would be cool to upload choreographies I was working on. I started with just really simple TikToks of me dancing, I didn't even use filters. But I was having fun and people started following and commenting rather quickly, so it motivated me to keep going and make better content.

How do you go about growing your following?

I think it starts with doing things you like and having fun. If you’re genuine and authentic, people will see it and like it. On a professional side, if we’re looking at numbers, my focus is more on engagement and follower response than getting more followers. I work on connecting with them, listening to what they say. If you deliver great content and build a community, your following will grow organically.

Have you had any videos go viral? If so, which ones and why do you think they performed so well?

I’ve had several videos reach more than a million views! The last one who went viral was purely accidental, it's actually a funny story. I was filming a choreography and my bra unhooked, I felt it and managed to hold on to it for a second, and it just looked like a perfect dancing move! It's at 921K views now!

What’s your favorite tiktok trend or type of content to make?

I’m all about dancing, so any dancing trends in general, I love to get involved in! But I also enjoy fashion and showcasing outfits. 

What tips would you give to brands who want to work with a tiktok creator?

Find someone that fits your brand’s values, talk to creators about the spirit & goals of your campaign, and then let us do our thing! Tiktok content works best when it’s authentic. A collab is most interesting & works best when the creators are free to showcase themselves & the brand in their own unique ways.

What tips would you give to other creators who want to grow their following and be working with brands?

Reach out to brands you really like through platforms like and see what’s possible, use content you’ve already made to show them what you can do, and don't get discouraged if it takes time.

What's the best/most memorable campaign you've been involved in?

I liked working with Universal Music to promote Anitta songs, and as I’m Brazilian myself and a fan of hers, it was a really amazing campaign for me to be invited to be a part of. More recently, I was invited to Adama Traoré’s showroom in Paris to promote it - she’s an African designer, it was such a cool experience. And I’m currently working on a SHEIN collab that will be amazing!

What brand do you think is doing an amazing job of working with creators/influencers and why?

I really do think SHEIN does a great job working with so many different creators, and even micro-influencers, not just picking one or two stars. I think more brands should look at that type of approach to influencer campaigns as it reaches a great range of people and showcases the variety of products they sell and different looks, body types and styles.

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