Industry learnings
September 9, 2024

Missing the Mark: How Ignoring Influencers Undermines Your Sustainability Efforts

Learn how content creators can drive sustainable behavior change, from reducing single-use plastics to cutting food waste, by turning awareness into real action.


In the battle against environmental degradation, individual actions play a crucial role. However, inspiring widespread behaviour change, such as reducing single-use plastics or cutting down on food waste at home, can be an uphill battle. Organisations that fail to tap into the power of content creators to drive these changes are missing a significant opportunity. Creators, with their ability to influence, engage, and educate, are uniquely positioned to champion sustainable practices in a way that resonates with everyday people.

The Influence of Creators: More Than Just Followers

Creators aren’t just popular; they’re powerful. Their influence extends beyond mere numbers to the deep connections they foster with their audiences. This makes them ideal partners for causes focused on sustainability, as they can turn complex, abstract concepts into relatable, actionable steps.

Why Creators Are Essential for Sustainable Behaviour Change:

  • Relatability: Creators have the unique ability to speak to their audience in a language they understand, making sustainability issues more approachable.
  • Engagement: Through interactive content like challenges, tutorials, and Q&A sessions, creators can actively engage their audience in sustainable practices.
  • Trust: Audiences often see creators as peers, making their recommendations more credible and impactful compared to traditional advertising.

Case Studies: Creators Driving Sustainable Behaviour

1. Reducing Single-Use Plastics

One of the most pressing environmental issues today is the widespread use of single-use plastics. Despite growing awareness, many people still struggle to adopt sustainable alternatives. Here’s where creators come in.

The impact? Thousands of followers are inspired to take on the challenge themselves, reducing their plastic use and spreading the word to others. The creator’s influence makes the transition to a plastic-free lifestyle feel achievable and even fun.

2. Reducing Food Waste at Home

Food waste is another critical issue with significant environmental implications. Yet, many people are unaware of how much food they waste or how to reduce it. Creators can make a big difference here by simplifying the concept and offering practical solutions.

By showcasing these strategies in a relatable, visually appealing way, the creator makes reducing food waste feel manageable for anyone. Their audience, inspired by the practical advice, starts adopting these practices at home, leading to a significant reduction in household food waste.

The Missed Opportunity: Why Causes Without Creators Fall Short

Organisations that overlook the potential of creators are missing out on a powerful tool for driving change. Traditional methods of communication—reports, ads, or even social media posts from the organisation itself—often lack the personal connection and engagement that creators naturally provide.

Without creators, sustainability campaigns may fail to:

  • Reach the Right Audience: Creators have cultivated specific audiences who trust them and are more likely to be interested in the causes they champion.
  • Inspire Action: While awareness is important, creators are skilled at motivating their followers to take concrete actions, whether it’s participating in a challenge, changing their shopping habits, or adopting new lifestyle practices.
  • Maintain Momentum: The ongoing content produced by creators keeps sustainability topics in front of their audience, ensuring that behaviour change isn’t just a one-time effort but a lasting shift.

Conclusion: The Future of Sustainable Campaigns

The future of sustainability lies in collaboration. By partnering with creators, organisations can translate their sustainability goals into everyday actions that resonate with the public. Whether it’s reducing single-use plastics, cutting down on food waste, or any other environmental initiative, creators have the power to turn awareness into action, driving the behaviour change necessary for a sustainable future.

For causes that are serious about making an impact, utilising creators is not just beneficial—it’s essential. Without their influence, these causes risk being overlooked in a crowded media landscape, missing out on the chance to inspire real, lasting change.

Ready to find the right creators for your sustainability campaign? Explore The Right Fit to connect with influencers who can help you champion the change you want to see.