Talent Diaries
October 3, 2024

From Self-Love to Success: Ella Jane's Journey as a Creator and Business Owner

Discover how Ella Jane (@ellajainee), a UK-based creator and business owner, turned her journey of self-love into a thriving career. Read her inspiring story of brand partnerships, personal growth, and advice for aspiring creators in our exclusive interview.

Name: Ella Jane @ellajainee

Talent: Creator

Occupation: Business Owner 

Location: United Kingdom

How long have you been a talent on TRF: 2 years

Meet Ella, a standout talent who’s captured attention through authenticity, self-love, and pure passion for her craft. Starting her journey as a personal quest for growth, she’s transformed her story into a source of inspiration for others, redefining what it means to thrive as a creator. From fashion and wellness to brand collaborations, Ella brings her whole self to every project.

In this exclusive interview, Ella gives us a glimpse into her world, sharing insights on navigating the industry, growing her brand, and offering invaluable advice for aspiring creators. Let’s dive in!

  1. What inspired you to become a (talent) and how did you get started in the industry?

Honestly, I never really aimed to become what I am today. It all began with me focusing on self-care, self-worth, and self-love. I came out of a difficult period and really worked on myself both physically and mentally, not for anyone else, but for me. Along this journey, I started posting for anyone who felt the same way—stuck and unsure. Gradually, each day brought more love, positivity, opportunity, and the lifestyle I aspired to. Realising that I could make a positive impact and change lives made me realise that this industry was meant for me.

  1. Can you walk us through a typical day in your life as a (talent) from start to finish? 

My routine can vary, but let’s talk about a typical weekday! I wake up, take care of myself first—shower, breakfast, and completing household tasks within the first hour. Then, I dive straight into online work. I dedicate at least three solid hours to marketing, networking, editing, and emailing. It’s more effective than spreading the workload over a whole day with less effort! Given how often my schedule changes, it's such a relief to sit down and get things done—getting posts ready, sending off PR and emails, and planning the upcoming week’s content.

I always make time for a social or screen-time break—grabbing food or drinks, taking a stroll or stretching. It really helps me recharge midway through the day, or whenever I can fit it in! I try to be flexible because each day has a different schedule. I’m a perfectionist and used to burn out trying to stick to a rigid daily routine. Now, I find that enjoying nature, exercising, or taking a proper break from work helps me come back feeling refreshed. Some days, I dedicate those online hours to creating content or spend the afternoon getting creative. Balance is key to avoiding burnout.

  1. Are you a (talent) full-time/part-time, or casually? And how do you manage your finances and what strategies have you found most effective?  

At first, I was still in college, so it was part-time. I didn’t really know how far I could take Instagram—I just enjoyed posting pictures to feel good! But as my content improved, I realised there was so much more to it. So, I left college and took a year to relax and figure out what I really wanted to focus on. My content started improving again, and I wish I’d known earlier how many serious opportunities there were through social media. Although I’ve been doing this for a few years, it’s only recently that I’ve gathered a lot of useful insights from my journey.

Finances can be unpredictable, so it’s always smart to get advice, tips, and strategies that can generate income and reduce financial stress.

  1. What types of brand partnerships have you worked on in the past, and how do you decide which collaborations to take on as a (talent)? 

I currently work with brands like SHEIN, Spacegoods, and Femmeluxe, and I’ve even launched my own brand through another brand I used to work with! How amazing is that? That’s what hard work and dedication can achieve.

I started with fashion partnerships, then moved into beauty, and eventually expanded into travel and wellness. Now, I only work with brands that resonate with my audience. For example, I love Spacegoods and Mycologic, which are two supplement brands. They offer different products, but both have made such a positive difference in my life that I’m genuinely excited to share them with my audience. SHEIN offers great deals for people on a budget, and their efforts to improve quality and sustainability make me want to continue promoting them. A lot of people enjoy my style, so I like to think of it as an inspirational wardrobe!

  1. Can you share any tips for negotiating rates with brands, and how do you determine your own value as a (talent)? 

When a brand reaches out and you feel hesitant about asking for rates or a budget, remember that they are approaching you for your services. Not every brand is going to negotiate, but the sooner you accept that, the more brands will come your way.

I always let the brand know that I’m genuinely interested in their work and share possible ideas for collaboration—it can be very tempting for them! Is your work worth the rate you're asking? Why? Think about the time, effort, and creativity you’re investing. You need to sell yourself but in a way that positions you as the perfect fit for the brand. I’ve had a few brands ignore my budget requests, only to return later, willing to pay what I’d initially asked for. Sharing mood boards featuring your own work can also help brands visualise what you can deliver.

  1. How do you stay updated with industry trends and best practices as a (talent), and what resources do you rely on for education and inspiration? 

I use Pinterest Lemon8 as well as using TikTok and Instagram, but I’ll be honest—I don’t consume much; I’m more focused on creating. However, shops tend to stock similar items when something is trending, so it’s easy to spot when you’re observant. I also check Instagram Reels and other creators for inspiration, and I do some general research every now and again.

  1. Have you faced any challenges or setbacks in your career as a (talent), and how did you overcome them? 

Yes! Not having the best camera, lacking marketing knowledge, and even not having my own space have all caused delays at times. I haven’t had the most perfect living conditions, and mental health struggles have played a part too. Understanding these challenges and being motivated to work towards what I needed has helped me. It’s about putting a plan in place to get closer to your goals rather than dwelling on the past. Do not dwell—just do.

  1. How do you achieve work-life balance as a (talent), even when life throws unexpected challenges your way? 

I try to assign specific days for content creation, being online, and managing admin tasks. I also schedule days or parts of days to disconnect from my phone and separate my online life from reality. When unexpected challenges come up, I find that focusing on one productive task helps me manage everything else more effectively. In tough times, spreading out tasks over several days didn’t work for me—it felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. Now, I prefer to do ‘power hours.’ I’m quite resilient, so I know that tough times will always pass. You can think of it like a heart monitor—it goes up and down to keep us alive. It’s important to understand this and keep finding solutions.

  1. How do you see the (talent)industry evolving in the next 5-10 years, and what changes do you anticipate? 

I hope to see more personality and authenticity in the industry. While everyone is beautiful, it’s sometimes hard to find real people with good souls. I hope that content creation will be recognised as the legitimate job and career that it is. I think it will become the next generation’s way of advertising, but on a whole new level. I had some wild thoughts last night about what I might look like in a few years! I can see this industry expanding, with more events and maybe even opportunities for the public to see what it’s really like behind the scenes.

  1. Can you share any upcoming projects or partnerships that you're excited about, and how do you plan to continue growing your brand as a (talent)?

 I’m the co-founder of OPULENCE HOME AND THERAPY, a business rooted in self-love, wellness, and luxury. It’s all about boosting your mood and reminding you that you’re worth it. We launched mid-May, and we’ve already received the loveliest reviews from customers, so I’m really excited to push this further. Our brand’s message is powerful, and I want it to be known.

I also recently secured my first hotel stay and a possible PR travel holiday experience. I’m so glad I stayed on this journey, even when everyone around me doubted it. I made it happen, and now I get to take pictures along the way!

  1. What advice would you give to aspiring (talent) who are starting out and looking to build a successful career in the industry? 

Nobody is you, and that’s your power. Work on yourself, and watch how much you flourish in your own way.

Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. We’re all on different journeys, in different places, at different paces. Don’t let social media fool you—it’s not all what it seems. We show you what we want you to see, so never feel like it’s different for you. You can do this and thrive with the right mindset!

Show love and support genuinely, and often. It always magnifies and comes back in return. I truly appreciate the community I’ve built with kind souls, and I’m so glad I stayed in this industry. Be the person you needed when you were younger. And if you don’t have her yet, DM me!

Ella's remarkable journey, balancing the realms of, exemplifies the potential of dedication, authenticity, and adaptability. Her story encourages us to pursue our passions, maintain unwavering determination, and forge our own unique path.

Are you inspired by Ella’s story? At The Right Fit, we're committed to empowering exceptional talents like Ella and connecting them with brands and opportunities that align with their vision. Whether you're a talent ready to embark on your journey or a brand searching for the perfect model, content creator, or influencer, we invite you to become a part of our vibrant community.