Talent Diaries
July 12, 2024

Talent Diarist #15: A Day in the Life of Andrew Maciver – Aussie-Based Model, Actor, Influencer 📅

Meet Andrew Maciver (@mrandrewmaciver), a multi-talented star from Sydney who has made waves in modeling, acting, and presenting. Since joining The Right Fit in February 2016, Andrew has transformed from a university student to a sought-after creative producer. In this exclusive interview, Andrew shares his daily routine, career challenges, and secrets to success. Get ready to be inspired by his journey and uncover the secrets behind his incredible rise to success.

Name: Andrew Maciver (@mrandrewmaciver)

Talent (for e.g. model, actor, influencer, videographer etc): Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer

Occupation (for e.g. Teacher/Model): Film/TV creative producer - Model/Actor/Presenter

Location: Sydney

How long have you been a talent on TRF: February 5, 2016

Discover how Andrew Maciver transformed from a university student to a multi-talented star in modeling, acting, and presenting. In this exclusive interview, Andrew shares his daily routine, career challenges, and secrets to success. From surfing and filming to navigating the entertainment industry, get ready to be inspired by his journey and learn invaluable tips from one of the best in the business. Dive in now and uncover the secrets behind Andrew’s incredible rise to success.

1. What inspired you to become a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer and how did you get started in the industry?

I had done promotion modeling while a student at Sydney University. I then dated an American woman who had a contract with an agency in Sydney and joined their commercial modeling arm. I then expanded my experience as an actor and tv presenter.

2. Can you walk us through a typical day in your life as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer from start to finish?

Morning swim/surf and coffee. Review shoot opportunities and apply. When I’m not needed on set I am developing a number of film and tv projects - both scripted and non scripted - Breaking Water Productions.

3. Are you a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer full-time/part-time, or casually? And how do you manage your finances and what strategies have you found most effective? 

I do them all and in order to work as much as possible on camera, by offering different services provides more opportunities for me to book a role. Nevertheless I am at a time in my life where I intend to transfer to an Executive Producer fulltime and reduce the number of shoots that I do.

4. What types of brand partnerships have you worked on in the past, and how do you decide which collaborations to take on as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer?

You name it and I have done it; from tv commercials, to being shot by a gun on Home and Away, being a travel tv presenter and to being a fake dad countless times. Regarding collaborations, I work with products and brands I appreciate and can authentically promote.

5. Can you share any tips for negotiating rates with brands, and how do you determine your own value as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer?

I believe that there should always be a rate for your time on set and a separate rate for usage. Obviously the bigger the role/exposure the greater the rate should be and be based on a per year usage rather than what is sometimes requested - in perpetuity -  which I believe is unfair.

6. How do you stay updated with industry trends and best practices as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer, and what resources do you rely on for education and inspiration?

I have been in the industry for a long time and talk with other talent when I am on set about what is working for them and what isn’t. It’s a great way to consider your next step and to potentially collaborate with other talent.

7. Have you faced any challenges or setbacks in your career as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer, and how did you overcome them?

I spent three years in Los Angeles developing a show about the world’s superfoods and working on camera on a talent visa. When I returned to Sydney my agency dropped me as they were downsizing. So I spoke with a woman I was shooting with and she mentioned her new agency, which I then joined and immediately booked two large campaigns. When one door closes, kick another one down!

8. How do you achieve work-life balance as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer, even when life throws unexpected challenges your way?

I generally find a great balance between being on set, shooting, doing self tapes, exercising, socializing and working on my film/tv projects.

9. How do you see the Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer Industry evolving in the next 5-10 years, and what changes do you anticipate?

I love that self tapes are so accepted - rather than having to drive to an audition and waiting. I also like that everything is digital - photos and footage to put into your reels. I think talking with clients is a great way to form relationships with them and to make sure that they get exactly what they want from your performance.

10. Can you share any upcoming projects or partnerships that you're excited about, and how do you plan to continue growing your brand as a Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer?

I am doing more influencer posts now and wish to continue working in Sydney and hopefully book a few trips for interesting location shoots.

11. What advice would you give to aspiring Model, Actor, Presenter, Influencer who are starting out and looking to build a successful career in the industry?

Be open to every opportunity; have a yes attitude. One average job might lead you to a better gig with the same producer/director. Gather all the content that you create from your client, keep updating your portfolio and don’t be afraid to ask for advice from more experienced talent; most people are more than happy to grab a coffee and chat.

Andrew’s remarkable journey, balancing the realms of modeling, acting, presenting, and content creation exemplifies the potential of dedication, authenticity, and adaptability. Their story encourages us to pursue our passions, maintain unwavering determination, and forge our own unique path.

Are you inspired by Andrew’s story? At The Right Fit, we're committed to empowering exceptional talents like Andrew and connecting them with brands and opportunities that align with their vision. Whether you're a talent ready to embark on your journey or a brand searching for the perfect model, content creator, or influencer, we invite you to become a part of our vibrant community