Talent Diaries
June 4, 2024

Talent Diarist 13: Na’eem Walton A Model, Actor, and Influencer's Journey!

Introducing Na’eem Walton, an entertainment entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, California. Since joining The Right Fit in March 2022, Na’eem has carved out a dynamic career as a model, actor, and influencer. His journey from a chance encounter on a hike to booking major modeling gigs and acting roles showcases his resilience and adaptability. Dive into Na’eem’s daily life, his strategies for success, and his vision for the future of the entertainment industry.

Name: Na’eem Walton (@naeemwalton_)

Talent (for e.g. model, actor, influencer, videographer etc): Model, Actor, Influencer

Occupation (for e.g. Teacher/Model): Entertainment Entrepreneur

Location: Los Angeles, California, USA

How long have you been a talent on TRF: March 16, 2022

Introducing Na’eem Walton, an entertainment entrepreneur based in Los Angeles, California. Since joining The Right Fit in March 2022, Na’eem has carved out a dynamic career as a model, actor, and influencer. His journey from a chance encounter on a hike to booking major modeling gigs and acting roles showcases his resilience and adaptability. Dive into Na’eem’s daily life, his strategies for success, and his vision for the future of the entertainment industry.

1. What inspired you to become a (talent) and how did you get started in the industry?

I went for a hike one day to get some“me time” after a stressful week. At the end of the hike, I went into an isolated space to be in solitude and have a moment to reflect. Randomly, a lady appeared before me asking,” if I was single” and continued to say “ I’m a casting producer and I think you would be a great fit for a show I’m working on.”  We exchanged numbers, I did the Zoom audition and was booked for the show a  few weeks later. In the same week, my business partner operated all our social media accounts for a fitness app we were developing. I would model for our content,  and had no modeling experience beyond that. There was an apparel company based out of Berlin, Germany that were shooting all their seasonal campaigns in LA. They  messaged my business partner asking, “Where could they book or find Superman?”  Long story short, I booked the show and the modeling gig in the same week. At that moment I knew this was the beginning of a new chapter. 

2. Can you walk us through a typical day in your life as a (talent) from start to finish?

A typical day for me is I wake up, pray, have my coffee, and hit the gym in the morning. Apply to at least 10 campaigns, outreach programs, and film content. Followed by whatever errands, gigs I’m booked for, or other business endeavors I’m working on outside of entertainment. I end my day reading two chapters of a self-healing book with a cup of tea before bed. Pray again, and that’s a day. 

3. Are you a (talent) full-time/part-time, or casually? And how do you manage your finances and what strategies have you found most effective?

I’m a full-time or casual talent depending on what I’m feeling creatively. I don’t rely on entertainment for my livelihood. I was wise enough to make smart investments. But I use an app called Mint and I also have a financial advisor. 

4. What types of brand partnerships have you worked on in the past, and how do you decide which collaborations to take on as a (talent)?

I typically work with brands that are in alignment with my brand vision and aesthetics.

5. Can you share any tips for negotiating rates with brands, and how do you determine your own value as a (talent)?

I use a software called Social Blue Book that helps influencers determine their rates based on engagement, followers, and what deliverables a company is asking for.

6. How do you stay updated with industry trends and best practices as a (talent), and what resources do you rely on for education and inspiration?

I follow Gary Vee- he’s very well respected and aware of changes that pertain to the digital marketing space. Also, just sharing information with some of my peers in the industry. 

7. Have you faced any challenges or setbacks in your career as a (talent), and how did you overcome them?

A setback I’ve experienced as a talent was keeping my supporters engaged through the pandemic. I felt like a lot changed through that period of time as well. There was a shift, and so I decided to rebrand. 

8. How do you achieve work-life balance as a (talent), even when life throws unexpected challenges your way?

I maintain a work-life balance by always having a consistent routine and sticking to it no matter what. When I deal with life challenges it’s all about reassessing and creating a contingency plan. 

9. How do you see the (talent)industry evolving in the next 5-10 years, and what changes do you anticipate?

With the arrival of artificial intelligence, the future is a little uncertain, however, authenticity and original ideas will be in high demand in the future. I think as creatives if we can find a way to integrate Artificial Intelligence into our work it could make for a happy marriage.

10. Can you share any upcoming projects or partnerships that you're excited about, and how do you plan to continue growing your brand as a (talent)?

Yes, I’m currently working on a partnership with Yves Saint Laurent for their Myself  fragrance and launching my “Safe Space” 

Podcast under production company.

11. What advice would you give to aspiring (talent) who are starting out and looking to build a successful career in the industry?

I would tell them consistency is key, be open to trying new things, challenge yourself, and if you make a little effort every day, you’ll eventually win in the end. 

Na’eem’s remarkable journey, balancing the realms of modeling, acting, and content Creation exemplifies the potential of dedication, authenticity, and adaptability. Their story encourages us to pursue our passions, maintain unwavering determination, and forge our own unique path.

Are you inspired by Na’eem’s story? At theright.fit, we're committed to empowering exceptional talents like Na’eem and connecting them with brands and opportunities that align with their vision. Whether you're a talent ready to embark on your journey or a brand searching for the perfect model, content creator, or influencer, we invite you to become a part of our vibrant community.